, pub-6654709521456670, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 University of Waterloo Scholarships in Canada 2021 | Funded

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University of Waterloo Scholarships in Canada 2021 | Funded


University of Waterloo Scholarships in Canada 2021 | Funded

The Applications are open for the University of Waterloo Scholarships in Canada. The Waterloo Scholarships in Canada for International Students to Study UndergraduateMasters, and Ph.D. Degree Programs. The University Ranked 9th in Canada and the Prestigious University for International Students. There are many Scholarships available from Waterloo University. An excellent way to continue to live and Study in Canada.

You can choose from 180+ Graduate Degree Programs. Most scholarships do not require an application, but there are some exceptions. Once you’ve applied for admission, we’ll automatically consider you for these awards. No Application Required. Students from 120 countries choose Waterloo each year because of our reputation as one of North America’s top universities. Experience at the University of Waterloo.

Candidates can apply from all around the world with any nationality. You have an open choice to study any field of study program available at the University of Waterloo. Canadian Universities ranked in the top 10 for the best universities in the world. Canada also announced 5,000 Scholarships in Canadian Universities. Canada is becoming a very progressive and inclusive country, and this is largely influenced by its young, handsome, and brainy Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. More details are available below.

Details About University of Waterloo Scholarships 2021

  • Scholarship Country: Canada
  • University: University of Waterloo
  • Degree Level: Undergraduate, Graduates
  • Financial Coverage: Funded
  • Deadline: 1st February 2021

Check University of Toronto Scholarships in Canada 2021 | Funded

Available Fields of Study at the University of Waterloo

The University, its colleges, faculties, and divisions award approximately 4,500 admission scholarships that total nearly $20 million and nearly 5,000 in-course awards each year.

  • Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of Environment
  • Faculty of Mathematics
  • Faculty of Science
  1. For Ful List of Undergraduate Programs: Visit Here
  2. For Full List of Graduate Programs: Visit Here

Financial Coverage

Most scholarships do not require an application, but there are some exceptions. Once you’ve applied for admission, we’ll automatically consider you for these awards.

Available to students in any program (No Application Required)

Entrance Scholarships (Automatically Consideration)

President’s Scholarship of Distinction:

  • $2,000 Entrance Scholarship
  • $1,500 International Experience Award* or $1,500 Research Award* or both

President’s Scholarship: $2,000 Entrance Scholarship.

Merit Scholarship: $1,000 Entrance Scholarship.

Entrance Scholarships Sponsored by Alumni and Donors: Several at $1,000 – $5,000

International Student Entrance Scholarships: Several at $10,000 each

Check Queens University Scholarships in Canada 2021

Scholarships Which Require an Application

Schulich Leader Scholarship: Up to 100 scholarships awarded annually. valued at $100,000 for engineering scholarships and half are valued at $80,000 for science and math scholarships.

Entrance Scholarships Sponsored by Alumni and Donors: Several at $1,000 – $5,000

More About FundingVisit Here

Eligibility Criteria


If you are planning to appear in IELTS? Airschool is offering a LIVE online course on IELTS preparation at discounted rates for the students who wish to study abroad. Our stats show that students on average score 7 to 8 bands in their IELTS exam.

The fee for the complete course is USD30 (PKR 5000/-). 8-week program and prepare to get an 8+ band in IELTS.


The last date to apply for the University of Waterloo Scholarships in Canada 2021 is 1st February 2021

How to Apply

The Application Process is Online. All the Information is available on the Offical Website. To Apply, Please Visit the Official website for the Waterloo University Scholarships.

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